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Shops and Services

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Not have in stock
to be out of something
To try to find something
to look for
To put something on to see if it fits
to try on
To start trading or doing business
to open up
To walk round a place to see what there is
to look round
To stop operating (especially a place of business)
to close down
You can buy some fish here.
You can buy tools, materials and equipment used in a house or a garden here.
DIY store / hardware store
A counter in a supermarket where you can get different types of cheese, cold cooked meat, prepared salads
You can buy medicine and beauty products in this store.
You can buy some bread and buns here.
You can buy multi-vitamins from this store.
health food store
A cruise, a package holiday, or a safari? Book it here.
Travel agent's
Students might buy pens and exercise books from this shop.
The shop where it's illegal for under 18s to buy alcohol.
Newspapers and magazines are sold here.
A small shop with an open front at the market.
market stall
You can wash and dry your own clothes in this place.
People might get their wedding rings here.
This is a very large out-of-town store.
It's the name of the shop where they sell fruit and vegetables.
This shop is very popular on Valentine's Day.
You can buy or rent a house here.
estate agent's
The place you take clothes to be cleaned.
dry cleaner's
The Body Shop and Zara are examples of ... stores.
Vegetarians don't usually buy anything in this shop.