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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The class starts this week.
When does the class start?
She lives in Lecco.
Where does she live?
Kate waited FOR AN HOUR for the bus.
How long did Kate wait for the bus?
There were 30 PEOPLE at the party last night.
How many people were there at the party last night?
What did she buy?
It's cold and windy.
What's the weather like?
He worked there FOR A YEAR.
How long did he work there?
I eat out TWICE A MONTH.
How often do you eat out?
Milan is 80 km from here.
How far is Milan?
That's MATTHEW'S school bag.
Whose school bag is that?
The movie was boring.
How was the movie?
I like jazz music.
What (type of) music do you like?
I woke up at 8 am.
What time did you wake up?
No, I don't own a bicycle.
Do you own a bicycle?
I saw the movies FIVE TIMES.
How many times did you see the movie?
He broke his right arm.
Which arm did he break?
Those are Jack's shoes.
Whose shoes are those?
My brother is kind and funny.
What is your brother like?
My breakfast was delicious.
How was your breakfast?
The trip takes 20 minutes.
How long is the trip? / How long does it take?
No, I didn't see John yesterday.
Did you see John yesterday?
"gatto" means cat.
What does "gatto" mean?
Matteo is 1,70m tall.
How tall is Matteo?
She likes TRAP music.
What (kind of) music does she like?
He paid with his credit card.
How did he pay?
They are staying AT A HOTEL.
Where are they staying?
They went to Spain FOR A WEEK.
How long did they go to Spain for?
John met his girlfriend AT THE GYM.
Where did John meet his girlfriend?
Mary joined the team LAST YEAR.
When did Mary join the team?