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God forms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what are different religions in this emblem and who created it?
Who is this?
Sathya sai baba
Who is this?
Shridi Sai Baba
Which religion worship fire?
Zoroastrianism or Zoroastra
Who is this?
Lord Buddha
What symbol is this or which religion is this?
Muslims or Allah
Which religion use this symbol?
Which Religion use this symbol
Guess name of the god who have these?
Lord Balaji or Venkateshwara or Govinda
Guess which Goddess sits on tiger?
Goddess Durga
Guess which God have veena in her hand?
Goddess Saraswathi
Guess which God who stand or sits on pink lotus?
Goddess Lakshmi
Guess what is the name of this God?
Lord Krishna
Which God have this in hand
Lord Rama
which God have this in hand
Lord Shiva
which God has trunk?
Lord Ganesha