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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does your friends like football? (✓)
Yes, they do.
Do they hate water sports? (✓)
Yes, they do.
Do we hate ball sports? (✘)
No, we don't.
Does Maria love shopping? (✓)
Yes, she does.
Does John and Mark like swimming? (✘)
No, they don't.
your mum and dad / like / tennis?
Does your mum and dad like tennis?
you / like / ball games?
Do you like ball games?
you and your friend / like / hockey?
Do you and your friend like hockey?
Tom / like / rugby?
Does Tom like rugby?
Megan / like / swimming?
Does Megan like swimming?
Abraham and his brother _______ ______ baseball. -- play / :( :( :(
Abraham and his brother can't stand playing baseball.
Pablo ________ _______ football at night. -- play / :( :(
Pablo hates playing football at night.
My friends at school _________ ______ to the beach. -- go / :) :) :)
My friends at school are crazy about to the beach.
My mum and dad ______ _________. -- run / :) :)
My mum and dad loves running.
Martha ________ ball games. -- :( :( :(
Martha can't stand ball games.
Carlos _______ the idea of rugby. -- :( :(
Carlos hates the idea of rugby.
Miguel ________ tennis. -- :(
Miguel doesn't like tennis.
Marco _______ paddle. -- :|
Marco doesn't mind paddle.
Paula ______ hockey. -- :)
Paula likes hockey.
Megan _______ swimming. -- :) :)
Megan loves swimming.
John ________ basketball. -- :) :) :)
John is crazy about basketball.