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Outsiders Review Chapters 5-8

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ponyboy asks Cherry if she can see this on the West Side of town...
a sunset
Who refuses to visit Johnny in the hospital?
Which character do they think could have been a soc if it weren't for the rest of the greaser gang?
What item does Dally ask for while he is in the hospital?
Who does Johnny refuse to see at the hospital?
his mother
What 2 items does Johnny ask for when they visit him at the hospital?
Hair grease and a copy of Gone with the Wind
Finish the headline from the newspaper: "Juvenile Delinquents Turn ________"
Dally gets frustrated with Johnny when they are driving back to the church. Why? What does Johnny tell him?
Johnny is going to turn himself in
Who wrote a letter to Ponyboy? It was delivered to him in chapter 6.
How did Johnny suffer his "critical" injuries?
The roof collapsed and a piece of timber fell on his back.
What unusual breakfast item do all the Curtis brothers (Pony, Soda, Darry) enjoy to eat?
chocolate cake
Who was the "spy" for the greasers?
Which soc did Ponyboy talk to about the rumble before going to visit Johnny and Dally?
What information is Ponyboy trying to hide from Darry in Chapter 8?
That he is not feeling well.
Who wrote the poem in the book?
Robert Frost
Who is the teacher that rode with Ponyboy to the hospital.