Edit Game
5 Second Rule

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 Things that are Soft
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things that are Blue
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things that are Green
Student's own answer
Name 3 Farm Animals
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things that smell good
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things that are Stinky
Student's own answer
Name 3 Secret Jouju Girls
Student's own answer
Name 3 Korean foods
Student's own answer
Name 3 School subjects
Student's own answer
Name 3 Foods you Don't Like
Student's own answer
Name 3 Flavors of Ice Cream
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things you see outside
Student's own answer
Name 3 Scary animals
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things you do after school
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things you do in the morning
Student's own answer
Name 3 POLY Teachers
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things in your bedroom
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things that swim
Student's own answer
Name 3 Animals with 4 legs
Student's own answer
Name 3 Countries
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things at the Beach
Student's own answer
Name 3 Hairy Things
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things to do on the Weekend
Student's own answer
Name 3 Vehicles
Student's own answer
Name 3 Sounds
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things you see in the sky
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things you wear
Student's own answer
Name 3 Animals you would like as a pet
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things in a Kitchen
Student's own answer
Name 3 Things that can fit under the bed
Student's own answer
Name 3 Birds
Student's own answer
Name 3 Pizza Toppings
Student's own answer
Name 3 Months of the Year
Student's own answer