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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If we don´get there by 6.00 Jack ( leave ) ................................
will have left
How long ..............................(you / wait) when you finally get your exam results?
will you have been waiting
..................................(he / play) computer games for ten hours when he finally stops
He will have been playing
................................(she / wait) long by the time we get there?
Will she have been waiting
By the time you come home, I ( finish ) ..............................the decorating.
will have finished
When you get to the station, I (wait) ...............................for you outside.
I´ll be waiting
In the year 2500 a lot of people ( live ) ......................................on the Moon.
will be living
In July they ( be married ) .........................................for twenty years.
will have been married
In ten year´s time I ( work ) ...................................for a different company.
will be working
This time next week I (lie )......................................on the beach in Spain.
will be lying
By the time we reach home, the rain (stop) ..............................
will have stopped
What time ( your plane ) leave .....................................?
What time does your plane leave ?
You´d better not come in July. My mother ( stay)....................................with me then.
is staying
All the hotels are full. Where (we spend ) ...............................the night ?
are we going to spend
I don´t think you (have ) ............................any problems at the airport.
will have
What (you buy ) .................................with the money you won in the lottery ,
are you going to buy
George ..................( not be ) back until six. Can I take a message ?
won´t be
I can´t see you on Thursday afternoon. I ...............................(visit ) our Birmingham branch.
I am visiting
If you arrive late at the sale, the best things ......................... ....... ( go )
will have gone.
Can you call me this evening, because I .....................( leave ) tomorrow.
I am leaving
According to this timetable, the bus ........................( arrive ) at 6.00 o´clock
Great news ! Jean and Chris ................( come) to stay with us.
are coming
Let me know as soon as Louise.................( get) there.
Look out ! That tree ......................( fall ) .
is going to fall
Don´t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I ........................( study ) then
I´ll be studying