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A1.1 Grammar Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Maria never doesn't drink coffee.
Maria NEVER DRINKS coffee. (ONE negative)
Kate watchs a movie in her room.
watchEs (ch, sh, ss, x - ES)
Is their any soup in the kitchen?
Is THERE any soup in the kitchen?
They sometimes lazy.
They ARE sometimes lazy. (ALWAYS verb in a sentence)
Do you can tell me her name, please?
CAN you TELL me her name, please? (can + V)
There aren't any money in this drawer. (ящик)
There ISN'T any money (money - uncountable)
There are a bed, a sofa and a table in my room.
There IS a bed, a sofe and a table in my room.
I don't always late.
I AM not always late. (be late = опаздывать/быть опоздавшим)
Many womans like chocolate.
1: womAn - many: womEn; 1 mAn - many: mEn
John doesn't gets up early.
doeSn't get up (one "S")
This monster has a big feet.
a big FOOT (many: feet)
I have a cat, his name Lewis.
his name IS Lewis. (in English - ALWAYS verb in a sentence)
My childrens are so funny.
CHILDREN (1 child)
Babys are cute.
BABIES (y - ie)
I need any advice. (совет)
I need some advice. (advice - uncountable)
My clothes is dirty.
My clothes are dirty.
My parents want to buy a new furniture (мебель).
My parents want to buy new furniture. (A=1, furniture - uncountable)
Chemistry was the boringest subject at school.
Chemistry was THE MOST BORING subject at school.
I have a new shoes.
I have new shoes. A=1
My house is bigger then yours.
She can reads in English.
She can read in English.
I can't to come to the class today.
I CAN'T COME to the class today.