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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is there a balcony in Robert's apartment?
Yes, there is
What colour is the kitchen in Robert's apartmentt?
It's blue
How many bedrooms are there in Robert's apartment?
There are 3 bedrooms
Which floor is Robert's apartment on?
It's on the 4th floor
Where is Robert's Apartment?
It's in Winter Road
(make the question) balcony?
Is there a balcony in Emma's apartment?
(make the question) colour/kitchen?
What colour is the kitchen Emma's apartment?
(make the question) how many bedroooms?
How many bedrooms are there in Emma's apartment?
make the question) which floor?
Which floor is Emma's apartment at?
(Make the quesiton) Where?
Where is Emma's apartment?
(make the question) balcony?
Is there a balcony in Robert's apartment?
(make the question) colour/kitchen?
What colour is the kitchen Robert's apartment?
(make the question) how many bedroooms?
How many bedrooms are there in Robert's apartment?
(make the question) which floor?
Which floor is Robert's apartment at?
(Make the quesiton) Where?
Where is Robert's apartment?
Is there a balcony in Emma's apartment?
No, there isn't
What colour is the kitchen in Emma's apartmentt?
It's yellow
How many bedrooms are there in Emma's apartment?
There are 4 bedrooms
Which floor is Emma's apartment on?
It's on the 5th floor
Where is Emma's Apartment?
It's in River Road