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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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האם יש לה תיק?
Does she have a bag?
Does she has a bag?
She has a bag?
She have a bag?
האם יש לו אח?
Does he have a brother?
Does he has a brother?
He have a brother?
He has a brother?
He has/have a brother
He HAS a brother
I have/has a pencil?
I HAVE a pencil
They have/has a ball
They HAVE a ball
she have/has a big family?
She HAS a big family
מה יש לך?
What do you have?
What does you have?
What you have?
What you has?
האם ישלנו מכונית?
Do we have a car?
Do we has a car?
We have a car?
We has a car?
האם יש לו שתיה?
Does he have a drink?
Does he has a drink?
He have a drink?
He has a drink?
He not have a dog?
He doesn't have a dog
He doesn't has a dog
He not have a dog
He not has a dog
She have/has a book
she HAS a book
You have/has coffee?
You HAVE coffee
We have/has an English lesson
We HAVE an English lesson
It has/have a long tail?
It HAS a long tail
They Have/Has cake
They HAVE cake
יש לאחיות שלי שיער ארוך
my sisters HAVE long hair
לאבא שלי יש משקפיים
my dad has glasses
לשכנים שלי יש בית גדול
My neighbours have a big house
יש לה חיית מחמד
she has a pet
Anna (not have/has) brown hair
Anna doesn't have brown hair
Anna doesn't has brown hair
Anna not have brown hair
Anna not has brown hair
He (not have/has) blue eyes
He does not (doesn't) have blue eyes
I (not have/has) homework today
I don't have homework today
I don't has homework today
I not have homework today
I not has homework today
My friends (have/has) old phones
My friends HAVE old phones
My sister (have/has) a green dress
My sister HAS a green dress
My brother (have/has) a blue bike
My brother HAS a blue bike
My mum and dad (have/has) a new car
My mum and dad HAVE a new car
The dog and cat (have/has) tails
The dog and cat HAVE tails
Ben and Anna (have/has) pink hats
Ben and Anne HAVE pink hats
Liat (have/has) a green hat
Liat HAS a green hat
Keren (have/has) a ball
Keren HAS a ball
I (have/has) blue eyes
I HAVE blue eyes
He (have/has) a dog
He HAS a dog