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Tuning Into the 60's

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who jumps in the water to save the son in Flipper?
dad's girlfriend
Where does the boy get trapped at in Flipper?
In a cave
Why does the youngest son in Flipper get irritated with his father?
He doesn't like his new girlfriend
What "character" do all the Brady kids want to play?
What do the try to build in Gilligan's Island?
a raft
What did Gilligan do at the end of the episode that fooled the professor?
He was moving the marking stick for the lobster traps
What do they think is happening to the island in Gilligan's Island?
That it is sinking into the ocean
Why does the family put on the play? What are they raising money for?
a teacher retirement gift
What play does the family perform in The Brady Bunch episode?
Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
There are 7 characters in Gilligan's island. Name 4 of the 7
Gilligan, Skipper, Professor, Maryann, Ginger, Mr. and Mrs. Howell
Why does the couple in Mr. Ed get "uninvited" to the party?
Because they think the husband is crazy for talking to a horse
What information do they have trouble getting from the painter in the Dick Van Dyke Show?
his price (the estimate)
What nationality is the painter in the Dick Van Dyke show?
Why do they need to paint the living room in the Dick Van Dyke Show?
There is an ink stain on the wall
What is the name of the character that talks to the talking horse?
What is the name of the talking horse?