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Potpourri - 3rd grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am (badder/ worse) at maths than you.
I am WORSE at maths than you.
He is (the baddest/ the worst) singer in the world!
He is THE WORST singer in the world!
She skates (badder/ worse) than I do.
She skates WORSE than I do.
She is (the goodest/ the best) student in the class.
She is THE BEST student in the class.
Two ice creams are (gooder/better) than one ice cream.
Two ice creams are BETTER than one ice cream.
Volga is (long/ longer/ the longest) river in Europe.
Volga is THE LONGEST river in Europe.
It is a very (funny/ funnier/ the funniest) English book.
It is a very FUNNY English book.
The mouse is (small/ smaller/ the smallest) than the cat.
The mouse is SMALLER than the cat.
The horses neck isn't (long/ longer/ the longest) than the giraffe's one.
The horses neck isn't LONGER than the giraffe's one.
Nick _____ his puppy to answer to her name.
Nick TEACHES his puppy to answer to her name.
Do you _____ your pet for a walk?
Do you TAKE your pet for a walk?
I've got a _____. It is a cat.
I've got a PET. It is a cat.
He _____ not want to help me yesterday.
He DID NOT (DIDN'T) want to help me yesterday.
I _____ not hungry or thirsty now.
I AM NOT hungry or thirsty now.
My mum ______not cooking soup now.
My mum IS NOT (ISN'T) cooking soup now.
Why (you are/ are you/ do you) giving a sweet to my puppy?
Why ARE YOU giving a sweet to my puppy?
(Did/Do/Can) you take your pet for a walk yesterday?
DID you take your pet for a walk yesterday?
Oh, what (clever/a clever/ an clever) little girl!
Oh, what A CLEVER little girl!
Ты должен вымыть руки!
You must wash your hands.
Не смей (=ты не должен) играть со спичками (matches)!
You mustn't play with matches!
Я должна есть этот суп?
Must I eat this soup?
It's very late. You (must/mustn't) go out!
It's very late. You MUSTN'T go out!
It's very cold today, but I (must/mustn't) take my dog out.
It's very cold today, but I MUST take my dog out.
I can't speak English. I (must/mustn't) read, write and speak English every day.
I can't speak English. I MUST read, write and speak English every day.