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Eng File B1+ Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unless I ________, I'll be late home tonight. a) don't call b) call
I love all pasta, but _________ lasagne. a) especially b) specially
How much ______ are you going to take? a) cases b) luggage
b) luggage
I've been working too ______ lately. a) hard b) hardly
a) hard
Our hotel has a great view, we can ____ see the Eiffel Tower! a) even b) ever
a) even
Gina and I haven't seen each other much a) late b) lately
b) lately
If the tickets cost more than 100 euros, I _________, a) don't go b) am not going to go c) won't have gone
am not going to go
You can watch homework as soon as ______ your homework (finsh)
you finish/ you've finished
The car _______ 50,000 km. a) will soon have done b) will soon do c) will soon be doing
will soon have done
The driver _______ in the accident. a) seriously was injured b) was injured seriously c) was seriously injured
c) was seriously injured
_________, I just need another five minutes. a) I've finished nearly b) I've nearly finished c) Nearly I've finished
I've nearly finished
Giuseppe's father speaks_______. a) fluently English b) English fluent c) English fluently
English fluently
It was __________ boring film that we left in the middle of it.
such a
We__________ (fly) for about an hour when suddenly the plane began to lose height.
had been flying
As soon as we arrived at the airport, we ________ (check in)
checked in
When we got to Terminal 2, the flight from London _____ (land)
had already landed