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Instagram Trivia

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which one is the most used hashtag on Instagram? a. #instagood b. #love c. #fashion
#love (1.824B posts)
Rank the account with the most to the least followers (as of Dec 2020): a. Instagram b. Cristiano Ronaldo c. Ariana Grande
1. Instagram (380.09 mil) 2. Cristiano Ronaldo (243.95 mil) 3. Ariana Grande (208.1 mil)
Which brand has the most followers: a. Nike b. Chanel c. National Geographic
c. National Geographic: 112 million followers
How long did it take Instagram to gain 1 million users? a. 1 month b. 1 year c. 2 years
a. 1 month
When is the best time to post on Instagram for the most engagement? a. 5 pm on Mondays b. 5 pm on Wednesdays c. 5 pm on Fridays
b. 5 pm on Wednesdays
Which is the most used emoji on Instagram? a. The thumbs up b. The smiley face :) c. The heart <3
c. The heart <3
What was the first photo being posted on Instagram? a. A dog b. A lake c. A selfie
a. A dog
Which company owns Instagram now? a. Instagram itself b. Google c. Facebook
c. Facebook
The name ‘Instagram’ is a mix of _____? a. instant photograph & telegram b. instant photograph & cablegram c. instant camera & telegram
c. instant camera & telegram
Which gender group is more likely to use Instagram? a. Female b. Male c. LGBTQ+
a. Female
What is the age range of most Instagram users? a. 13-19 b. 18-29 c. 25-35