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Comparative and superlative facts

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The largest coral reef of the world is located in South America.
FALSE. The largest coral reef is called the Great Barrier Reef, and located in Australia. It stretches 3,000 km and has more than 1,500 fish species.
The oldest volcanic eruption happened in Italy.
TRUE. There was a volcanic eruption from mount Vesuvius back in 79 AD
Asia is the largest continent of the world.
TRUE. It is over 17 million square miles (about 44 million square kilometers)
The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela.
TRUE. It is 3,212 feet high (979 meters)
The Amazon Basin is the strongest river.
TRUE. It flows through the Amazon forest - the largest and wettest rainforest on Earth.
The shortest river in the world is the Amazon river.
FALSE. It's called the Roe River and located in the US. It's only 61 meters long.
The Nile River in Egypt is the longest river in the world.
TRUE. It is about 4,145 miles long.
The smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean.
TRUE. It is only one-tenth of the Pacific Pacifc Ocean.
The Pacific Ocean is the smallest ocean in the world.
FALSE. The Pacific Ocean is the largest Ocean in the world. It covers one-third of the Earth surface.
The deepest lake in the world is lake Baikal.
TRUE. It's a salt water lake which is 5,712 feet deep.
Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world.
TRUE. It covers the largest surface area in the world - over 82,000 km2 of land.
The Dead Sea is the saltiest lake in the world.
TRUE. It's called a sea, but it's a lake. It's also the deepest lake in the world. It's 1,302 feet below sea level.
Lake Titicaca in Peru is the lowest lake in the world.
FALSE. It is the highest lake in the world. It's about 12,500 feet above sea level.
The deepest spot in the Ocean is called the Mariana Trench.
TRUE. It is 35,979 feet deep in the Pacific Ocean. It is deeper than Mount Everest, which is 29,002 feet.