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Family Quiz 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who was the first Emperor of Rome?
Augustus / Octavian
What is the name for the rider in horse racing?
After winning 9 out of his first 10 French opens, who became known as the "King of clay"?
Rafael Nadal
What is the stage name of the prankster radio presenter who co-hosted the 94.7s breakfast show?
Whackhead Simpson
What is the name of the early 2000s South African actor who starred in "Oh Schuks... I'm Gatvol"?
Leon Schuster
What is the J in Donald J Trump?
Solstices are when Day/Night are at their annual longest. What is term for the day when the length of day and night are equal?
What was the first video to hit 1 Billion view on YouTube?
Gangnam Style
What is the most viewed video on YouTube?
Baby Shark
What does ATM stand for?
automated teller machine
Why is "Ledd Zeppelin" spelled the way it is?
So people wouldn't confuse the pronunciation.
What high school did Elon Musk graduate?
Pretoria Boys
What does the acronym "O.K." stand for?
All correct
What currency is used in Vietnam?
Vietnamese đồng
What river separates Buda and Pest?
Name all the member countries of BRICS.
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
What is the name of the popular horror themed choose-your-own-adventure children books?
How many episodes of Mr. Bean are there? 14/46/98
What was the surname of the high school prinicipal at Sacred Heart?
What is ostrich in Afrikaans?
Space is to spacial as time is to _______.
What is the compliment to Oriental?
What is the name of the tip of a shoe lace?
Who founded the Marist Brothers?
Marcellin Champagnat