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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was too great/ much great/ greater a problem (for him) to solve on his own.
too great
You look as if/ the same as/ very much alike you needed a rest. You must be really tired.
as if
They worked as/ like/ as if slaves to get the project finished.
The college looks like/ looks/ looks alike a factory.
looks like
Tennis is much more/ many more/ more and more demanding than badminton.
much more
This is by far/ on far/ less far the most interesting research I've ever done.
by far
The longer we postpone the decision, serious the more/ the more and more/ the more serious it becomes.
the more serious
I've had more and more that I can take/ just about as much as I can take/ easily the most I can take from you.
just about as much as I can take
This looks like/ as/ than an interesting old village.
The work I'm doing is becoming a ore demanding/ the more demanding/ more and more demanding.
more and more demanding
There isn't too much money left/ as much money left/ more money left as I thought.
as much money left
Ann hasn't worked too hard/ the hardest/ hard enough to qualify for a bonus.
hard enough
The more I think about this proposal, more appealing it becomes/ the more appealing it becomes/ it becomes more than appealing.
the more appealing it becomes
That kind of job is too difficult than to do/ too difficult doing/ too difficult to do on your own.
too difficult to do
Your laptop is twice as fast as mine/ twice faster than mine/ faster than mine twice.
twice as fast as mine
This is easily the worst film than I've ever seen/ I've ever seen/ as I've ever seen.
(that) I've ever seen
In city areas a motorbike can be faster as a car/ faster than a car/ as fast than a car.
faster than a car