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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sam has jam and ham. What does Sam have?
Jam and ham.
The dog sits on a pink rug. Where is the dog?
On a pink rug.
This man is my dad. Who is this man?
My dad.
The kid was very mad at the dog. Who was mad?
The kid.
The red cat naps on the mat. Where is the cat?
On the mat.
The dog ran to the van. Where did the dog run?
To the van.
The pig is in a bin. Where is the pig?
In a bin?
He likes the fun sun. What does he like?
The fun sun.
Jen has a blue hat. What color is Jen's hat?
Pam has a big dog. What does Pam have?
A big dog.
Ben and Dan ran fast. Who ran?
Ben and Dan
Ben is very sad. How is Ben feeling?
Very sad.
Sam has a bad leg. What does Sam have?
A bad leg.
Tom is a cat. Who is the cat?
The bug is red. What color is the bug?