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Present Continuous vs. Present Simple

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sue can’t hear/ isn’t hearing you at the moment. She has/is having a shower.
can't hear/ is having
My brother has/is having so many hobbies! At the moment, he takes/is taking photos in the garden.
I don’t want to /I’m not wanting to go out tonight. I’m too tired!
I don't want
I’m afraid you can’t borrow that book. It belongs/It is belonging to my sister and she reads/is reading it at the moment.
John has/is having a great time on holiday. Look at these pictures on his blog!
is having
3. Can you help me with my homework? I don’t understand/I’m not understanding this problem.
don't understand
2. I’m very sorry, I can’t remember/I’m not remembering your name.
can't remember
1. I (not know) how to play tennis, but I’d like to learn.
don't know
That's the book I (read) at the moment.
am reading
You (know) my friend Cindy.
Wake up! The teacher (ask) you a question.
is asking
I (like) the new sports hall.
He (do) his homework now.
is doing
On this space shuttle mission, they (study) the effects of gravity in space.
are studying
A lot of people (speak) Spanish in the USA.
Just a minute. I can't hear you. I (listen) to the radio.
am listening
I'm happy today. Everything (go) well.
is going