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Boris the dog

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can Boris run fast?
Yes, he can.
True or false? "Boris doesn't like exploring."
FALSE. "Boris loves exploring."
When do they go for a walk?
They walk everyday before dinner.
Where do they walk?
They walk at the park
What does Boris love to eat?
He loves to eat biscuits.
Describe the dog: fill in the blanks. He is _____ with ______ grey ______.
He is grey with dark grey spots.
True or false? "Boris is a young dog."
FALSE "Boris is an old dog."
True or false? "Boris is a young dog."
FALSE "Boris is an old dog."
[correct the mistake] "Boris have 12 years old."
Boris is 12 years old
How old is Boris the dog?
Boris is 12 years old
What is the dog's name?
It's name is Boris