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Flyers - find the differences with Harry Potters ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In my picture Harry is sitting on a chair
He is sitting on the bed
In my picture Ron is in front of Hermione
He is next to Hermione
In my picture Harry is behind Hermione
He is in front of Hermione
In my picture Hermione is holding a teddy bear
She is holding a book
In my picture Hermione is wearing a blue jacket
It is a red jacket
In my picture there are two children
There are three
In my picture Hermione is on an armchair
She is on the bed
In my picture the bird is flying in the car
It is in a cage
In my picture the car is purple
The car is blue
In my picture Harry and Ron are happy
They are scared
In my picture Harry is driving
Ron is driving
In my picture it is night
It is day
In my picture the bird is in front of Harry and Ron
It is behind Harry and Ron
In my picture the bird is black
It is white
In my picture there are two girls
There are two boys
In my picture Harry is wearing glasses
The glasses are on the book/ Harry isn't wearing glasses
In my picture it is morning
It is night
In my picture Harry has a spotted pijamas
Harry has a striped pijamas
In my picture Harry is awake
Harry is sleeping