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Multiplication Word Problems

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ms. Brooks brought 4 pieces of candy for each student in her AHOY group. If there are 5 students in the AHOY group, how many pieces of candy did Ms. Brooks bring?
Rose played in the snow for 5 days in a row. Each day she made 8 snow angels. How many snow angels in Rose make?
Quincy made 2 batches of chocolate cookies with 9 cookies in each batch. How many cookies did he make?
Harry has 7 people in her family. She buys each person 2 Christmas presents. How many presents did she buy in total?
Mr. Blue, Mr. Pink, Mr. Brown, and Mr. White went to the store together and each bought a cupcake for $3 dollars. How much money did they spend all together?
Rob played in the snow for 2 hours and he made 10 snowballs each hour. What is the total number of snowballs that he made while playing outside?
Mel, Sam, and Bill each made 5 cookies. How many cookies did they make in all?
There were 8 hockey teams in a tournament. Each team had 3 pucks for the game. How many pucks were there at the tournament?
Hope, Dan, Jack, and Biff went surfing one day. They each carried one surfboard into the water. How many surfboard did they have in the water?
There 6 dances teams who performed on stage. Each team had 4 dancers. How many dancers performed all together?
3 friends went golfing and they each brought 5 golf balls. How many golf balls do they have all together?
Uri and his family eat 2 loaves of bread a day. Each loaf has 6 slices. How many slices of bread do Uri and his family eat a day?
Yolanda make 3 sweaters a day. She sews 6 buttons onto each sweater that she makes. How many buttons will see sew in 3 days?
An octopus has 8 legs. Kyle counted 5 octopi in the tank. How many legs are in the tank?
) Sandy, Tim, and Melanie each have 7 crayons. How many crayons do they have have in all?
Keith was at the beach for five days and found 9 seashells every day. How many seashells did Keith find during the beach trip?
Mary goes out to lunch with Alyssa and Jessica. Each person orders the $7 lunch special. Mary agrees to pay the bill. How much will she have to pay?
Sam worked 2 hours for 9 days. How many hours did he work in total?
Dan has 8 blue balloons. Benny has 2 times more blue balloons than Dan. How many blue balloons does Benny have?
There were a total of 5 football games a month. The season is played for 3 months. How many football games are in the season?