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Outsiders Review Chapter 1-4

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A high school dropout that never drinks and loves to have a good time...
Why are Tim and Curly Shepard looking for Dally when they are at the movies...what did Dally do to them?
Dally slashed the tires on his car
Where do the boys go after they get off the train?
a church on Jay Mountain
Why type of car were the socs driving when they jumped Pony and Johnny at the park?
blue Mustang
Finish this sentence...Cherry tells Ponyboy that "Things are ______ all over."
What do the socs do to Ponyboy at the park?
They start drowning him in the fountain
Who is Cherry's boyfriend?
Why did Ponyboy and Johnny decide to run away from home and end up walking to the park?
Darry hit Ponyboy
Why is Ponyboy so late getting home from the movies?
He and Johnny fell asleep in a vacant lot
Why did the boys (Johnny and Pony) jump a train to Windrixville?
Johnny killed a soc
Who is Mickey Mouse that Ponyboy talks about in chapter 3?
Soda's horse that he used to take care of
Which characters leave the movie with Cherry and Marcia?
Johnny, Pony, and Two-Bit
Why does Johnny get freaked out when Two-Bit surprises them at the movies?
He is scared of everything now after getting jumped by the socs
What did Cherry do when Dally was irritating her at the movies?
Threw a coke in his face
Which character's girlfriend was "two-timing" him when he was in the "cooler"?
The gang's pet...