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Heat and Density

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens to a substance when you cool it down?
It contracts because the molecules move slower and come closer together.
What happens to a substance when you heat it up?
It expands because the molecules move faster and create more space between them.
Heat always transfers from _____________ substances to ______________ substances.
warmer; cooler
What type of heat transfer is this image showing?
What type of heat transfer is this image showing?
What type of heat occurs where the candle flame touches the stick?
Name the three ways that heat can transfer.
Conduction, convection, and radiation
Why is the food coloring not mixing very much in the cold water glass?
In the cold water the molecules are moving slower so the food coloring mixes slowly.
Why is the food coloring fully mixed in the hot glass?
In the hot water the molecules are moving faster so the food coloring mixes more quickly.
How is the heat transferring in this image?
The heat is transferring from the warmer water to the colder ice.
Which layer in this bottle has the least density?
The top layer
Which layer in this bottle has the most density?
The bottom layer
Why does the liquid in this bottle separate into layers?
The liquids are different densities. The liquid with the most density is on the bottom. The liquid with the least density is on the top.
If you left all of these objects in the same room overnight and then checked their temperatures the next day, what would you notice?
They would all be a similar temperature that would match the room temperature.
What makes a substance a conductor?
It conducts (transfers) energy easily. It quickly looses its heat or cold.
What makes a substance an insulator?
It does not conduct (transfer) energy easily. It keeps hot matter hot or cool matter cool.
What is density?
The amount of mass in a given space or volume
Give three examples of insulators.
Teacher check- Styrofoam, oven mitt, wooden spoon, plastics
Give three examples of conductors
Teacher check- metal, metal spoon, flag pole
What happens to the molecules in a substance when they are cooled?
The molecules move slower and come closer together. The substance will contract.
What happens to the molecules in a substance when they are heated?
The molecules move faster and get further apart. The substance will expand.
Explain in your own words how thermal energy transfers.
Teacher check- Thermal energy transfers between objects of different temperatures. Heat always moves from a warmer medium to a cooler medium.