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How would you describe....?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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...a culture you are interested in?
country, people, language, traditions, cuisine, art, way of life, what you like most,
...your favourite online activity?
name, why you like it, how you got to know it,
...someone's hair?
dark/fair, straight/curly/wavy/spiky/bushy, long/short, shoulder-length, greasy, damp,
...a mouth?
thin/full/crooked lips, even teeth, toothless/large/ rosebud mouth
.... a face?
square, oval, round, heart-shaped, thin, wide
...a nose?
straight, hooked, crooked, long, flat, pointed, turned-up,
...an animal you would like to have?
name, looks, needs and behaviour, rules of keeping it, why you would like to have it,
...a sport/ an exercise you like?
name, rules, equipments, its effects on health,
....a movie you hated?
title, genre, characters, plot, why you didn't like it,
.....your favourite city?
where it is, size and sights, why you like it, what people can do here,
....your best friend?
Talk about his/her looks and personality, why you like eachother, what you do together, how you became friends
....your mother?
She is...., She has...., Talk about her looks (body, face, hair, nose)and her persona.