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5th grade final quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dolphins are: a) fish b) mammals c) reptiles d) water insects
b) mammals
otroško igrišče
(children's) playground
Our school is opposite the ____________ and next to the _____________.
restaurant/pizzeria Merkator shop/hotel
Name five things in your fridge.
eggs, cheese, milk, vegetables, fruit, juice, meat, ...
Kako po angleško poveš 'Ona nosi očala'?
She's wearing glasses.
My sister has got _____________ hair. (ravne, dolge, črne)
straight long black
The party is ________ my grandma's house.
I'd like to ride a ______________. a) camel b) car c) motorbike d) bike
a) camel c) motorbike d) bike
Painting a ______________ is difficult.
a) picture b) painting
Flying a _________ is fun.
Can you tell the six colours of the rainbow?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.
Name eight sports.
volleyball, tennis, football, table-tennis, badminton, swimming, handball, karate, dancing, skiing, ski-jumping, cycling, horse riding, running, basketball ...
What are your schoolmates doing? a) They play an English quiz. b) They are playing an English quiz. c) They can play an English quiz.
b) They are playing an English quiz.
Kako v angleščini poveš 'Zgradil bom drevesno hiško'?
I'm going to build a tree-house.
What are you going to do during summer holidays?
I'm going to play with my friends, go to the seaside.
Have spiders got six legs?
No, they haven't. (No, they've got eight.)
Can you swim?
a) Yes, I can. b) No, I can't.
What's your favourite food?
Spaghetti, pizza, pasta, french fries, pancakes ...
Does your sister eat tomatoes?
a) Yes, she does. b) No, she doesn't.
Would you like an orange?
a) Yes, please. b) No, thank you.
I'd like to _______ to Africa by ferry.
a) travel b) go