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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm still learning to live (between / within / under / at) my means.
She is always (on / at / with / in) debt at the end of term.
I'm afraid I can't come because I'm (low / lacking / short / tight) of money.
When I was at college I hard to learn to live (on / in / from / at) a budget.
The house they live in must be worth a (treasure / fortune / resource / wealth)
A (tall / big / great / high) standard of living is important to me.
I'm (relief) that the cup final is over at last.
What is the most (frighten) film you have ever seen?
I'm really (embarrass) by my obsession with that actor.
Having a passion can make life more (excite).
Golf is not a very (interest) sport to watch on TV.
I haven't got much money but I'm not (worry) about it.
There aren't many designer brands that are as expensive as Prada. ONE // Prada is ... designer brands.
Prada is one of the most expensive designer brands.
Both Tom and Zak are equally friendly. JUST // Tom is ... Zak.
Tom is just as friendly as Zak.
This hotel isn't nearly as expensive as the other one. FAR // The other hotel is ... this one.
The other hotel is far more expensive than this one.
I don't spend much money on clothes these days. ANY // I ... money on clothes these days.
I spend hardly any money on clothes these days.
This is my first visit to India. TIME // This is the first ... to India.
This is the first time I have been to India.
I last saw Mike in 2006. SINCE // I ... 2006.
I haven't seen Mike since 2006.
Rebecca started living here five years ago. FOR // Rebecca ... five years.
Rebecca has lived here for five years.