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Character traits - elementary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are you like?
What's your best friend like?
Describe Dracula
This is up to your teacher ...
Describe Frankenstein
This is up to your teacher ...
Name three bad personality traits.
messy, bossy, boastful, angry, ...
Name five good personality traits.
generous, happy, smart, kind, friendly, ...
Why are you playing this game today?
Because ... it's the end of the school year. (Or something else your teacher thinks is also correct ;D)
Vampire bats are real. Aren't they?
Yes, they are.
Dracula doesn't like: a) garlic b) the sun c) heavy rain d) spaghetti bolognese e) crosses
a) garlic b) the sun e) crosses
Frankenstein has got _______ on his face. a) freckles b) blood c) stiches
c) stiches
Dracula sleeps in a ... a) grave b) coffin c) king-size bed
b) coffin
The most famous vampire is ...
The monster with two long teeth who bites people in the neck.
A vampire
That's boring, can you please tell me something more ...
The opposite of talkative is ...
The opposite of tidy is ...
People who make you laugh are: a) funny b) amusing c) boastful
a) funny and b) amusing
If you are diligent it means that you: a) work hard b) deal with other people c) are good at music
a) work hard
If you are kind, you are probably: a) bossy b) generous c) childish
b) generous
Smart is another word for ...
The opposite of noisy is ...
Družaben: a) social b) sociable c) friendly
b) sociable