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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Enumerate the colours of the rainbow.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.
Name one English song that includes rain.
Many possible answers ... Your teacher will decide.
When does the school usually end?
24 of June.
Which is the most famous rock band in Irenland? a. Siddharta b. U2 c. Ansambel bratov Avsenik d. The Beatles e. None of the above
How heavy is the gaming mouse Rival 600? a. 69g b. 124g c. 219g d. None of the answers
What is Illuminati? a. Triangle with an eye b. Eye with a triangle
triangle with an eye
What is the name of the knife with a curved blade? a. Karambit b. Bayonet c. Butterfly
How do you say Slovenia in English?
Which is the longest rail in Asia? (a) Transsibirian (b) Transilvanian
What starts with a ˝P˝ ends with an ˝E˝ and has thousands of letters?
post office
What is hail? a) hard-boiled rain b) hard-boiled egg c)hard-boiled dumpling
a) hard-boiled rain
Which singer is from Great Britain? a) Paul McCartney b) Katy Perry c) Avicii
a) Paul McCartney
Dublin is on the east coast on the river.... a) Thames b) Loara c) Liffey d) Sawa
c) Liffey
Which is the most cherished symbol of Britain? a) Ed Sheeran b) red phone box c) castle
b) red phone box
What is the cheapest way to see the world?
Buy an atlas,map
Which car is German? (a) audi (b) BMW (c) porcshe (d) mercedez- benz
(a) audi (b) BMW (c) porcshe