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Hair Accessories

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What`s this? (1) a hair polisher (2) a hairspray
It`s a hairspray
What`s this? (1) a hair fixer spray (2) a conditioner
It`s a conditioner.
What`s this? (1) a shampoo (2) a body lotion
It`s a shampoo.
What`s this? (1) a hair paint (2) a hair dye
It`s a hair dye.
What`s this? (1) a comb (2) a hairbrush
It`s a hairbrush.
What`s this? (1) a comb (2) a hairbrush
It`s a comb.
What is this? (1) veil (2) suede
It`s a veil.
What are these? (1) band wraps (2) scrunchies
They`re scrunchies.
What are these? (1) hand clips (2) jaw clips
They`re jaw clips.
What`s this? (1) a hair fabric (2) a head wrap
It`s a head wrap.
What are these? (1) hair clips (2) hair combs
They`re hair clips.
What is this? (1) a side comb (2) a side band
It`s a side comb.
What are these? (1) hair ties (2) combs
They`re hair ties.
What are these? (1) hairdressers (2) hair pins
They`re hair pins.
What`s this? (1) a head crown (2) a headband
It`s a headband.
What's this? (1) a flower crown (2) a flower fabric
It`s a flower crown.
What is this? (1) a barrette (2) a hair pin
It's a barrete.