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A Tale of Two Beasts
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the autumn / fall months?
September - October - November
Why is the little animal so happy?
He is going back to the woods.
Where is the little animal?
In a box
What is she doing?
She is cleaning the little animal
Where is she?
In her bedroom
How's the weather in the picture?
It's rainy.
Why is she so surprised?
Because the little animal is running away
What is she doing?
She's opening the window.
Where is Fang in this picture?
in the school
What's the name of her stuffed lion?
Lord Rex
What is the little animal wearing?
a hat and a jumper
What's the season in the story?
autumn / fall
What is the little girl wearing?
a hat, a scarf, a jumper, a skirt, leggings and boots
What does the little girl name him?
Where does the little girl find the little animal?
In the woods