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Anne Frank revision quiz Chapters 1-10

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What hopes did they have?
How did they listen to the news from the outside world?
What kind of man was Mr. Dussel?
What kind of woman was Mrs. Van Daan?
What were they eating in the hiding place?
What rules did they have in the hiding place?
Who were Miep and Mr. Kleiman?
What did people think happen to the Franks?
What did Anne take with her when they went into hiding?
What decorations did Anne put in her new room?
Pictures and posters of her favorite actors .
If you were Jewish, what symbol did you need to wear?
A yellow star.
Why were Jews killed? Where were they taken? Who were they hiding from?
Who was Anne second boyfriend?
Peter Van Daan
Who was Anne first boyfriend?
Hello Silverberg
What kind of student was Anne? How was her school life?
What did Anne write mostly about in her diary?
What did Anne get for a present on her 13th birthday?
A Diary.....
How many people where hiding in the house?
8 people.
Where were they hiding and for how long?
In an annexe. This was her father's old job (office). In one hidden room. They hid there for two years.
From which country did the Franks escape?Where did they go to?
Form Germany to Holland.
Why did the Franks when into hiding?
What kind of relationship did Anne have with her mom?
What kind of relationship did Anne have with her dad?
What was Anne father's name?
Otto Frank.
How many siblings did Anne Frank have?
One sister.