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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the word "disbelieve" mean?
To not believe
what does the word "premade" mean?
(Something that's) made before
What does the word "predetermine" mean?
To determine before(hand)
What does the word "repack" mean?
To pack again
What does the word "uncommon" mean?
Not common
What does the word "unable" mean?
Not able to do something
What does the word "reconsider" mean?
To consider again
What does the word "preapprove" mean?
To approve before(hand)
What does the word "unstable" mean?
Not stable
What does the word "pretest" mean?
To test before
What does the word "prebuilt" mean?
To build before / Something that's built before
What does the word "preview" mean?
To view before
What does the word "dishonor" mean?
To not honor
What does the word "disobey" mean?
To not obey
What does the word "disorganized" mean?
Not organized
What does the word "retry" mean?
To try again
What does the word "replay" mean?
To play again
What does the word "unfair" mean?
Not fair
What does the word "rehire" mean?
To hire again
What does the word "reschedule" mean?
To schedule again
What does the word "unprepared" mean?
Not prepared
What does the word "redo" mean?
To do again
What does the word "unforgettable" mean?
Not forgettable
What does the word "dislike" mean?
Not like
What does the word "unknown" mean?
Not known
What does the word "dishonest" mean?
Not honest
What does the word "disrespectful" mean?
Not respectful
What does the word "preschool" mean?
Before school (kindergarten)
What does the prefix "dis-" mean?
No or Not
What does the prefix "un-" mean?
What does the prefix "pre-" mean?
What does the prefix "re-" mean?