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Malala revision quiz

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Why were people in Swat Valley leaving their homes?
because there was a war.
What is the name of Malala's second book?
Malala's Magic Pencil.
What prize did Malala win?
The Nobel Peace Prize.
After she got shot, which country was she taken to and which hospital?
To England. Queen Elizabeth's Hospital.
How was Malala's face after the shooting?
Swollen, yellow and she could not open one of her eyes.
Why was Malala shot?
She wrote a blog for BBC about girls education in Pakistan.
What is Malala father's name?
Mr. Ziauddin
What kind of student was Malala at school?
A very good one.
Who shot Malala?
The Taliban.
Where was Malala when she was shot?
In her school bus.
Where does Malala live now with her family?
They live in England.
Where does Malala live now with her family?
They live in England.
Who is Tor Pekai?
Malala's mother
How many brother's does Malala have?
two brothers
Which city is Malala from?
Swat Valley
Which country is Malala from?