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What costume does one of the burglars wear at the beginning of the film?
He is dressed as a policeman.
Why did Kevin and Buzz have a fight in the kitchen?
Buzz ate his cheese pizza.
How much money did they pay for all pizzas?
122.50 dollars
What did uncle Frank forget at home?
He forgot his reading glasses.
Why doesn't anyone want to sleep with Fooler?
He wets the beds.
How many people are staying in the house in total?
What does Kevin's father forgets to do before they leave? 1. The tickets 2. To close the garage
He forgets to close the garage.
What is the name of the actor who stars as Kevin? Macaulay Culkin or Devin Retray
Macauley Culkin
What pet lives in Buzz's room?
A tarantula
What's the name of the old man who saves the day : Marley or Marv?
Old man Marley
What is the name of the gangster film Kevin watches? 1.Angels with filthy souls 2. Gangsters run this town
Angels with filthy souls
During the film, Kevin says: "This is my house, I have to..." 1. tidy up 2. defend it
This is my house I have to defend it. I'm the man in the house.
What do the burglars call the McAllister's home? 1. Silver tuna 2. The orange goldfish
The silver tuna
What are the burglars called? 1.Rick and Morty. 2. Marvin and Harry.
Marv and Harry
What does Kevin take in the chemists without paying for it: a toothbrush or a packet of chips?
a toothbrush
Why are Kevin's family late for the airport? 1. They forgot to set the alarm clock. 2.There was a power cut because of the storm.
A storm caused the power cut and they slept in.
What is Kevin's cousin called: Kieran or Fooler?
What's the name of Kevin's oldest brother?
Buzz McCallister
What kind of pizza did Kevin order?
plain cheese
How many pizzas did the McCallisters order?
Where do the McCallister family live in Chicago or in New York?
How old is Kevin McCallister?
In which year was the film Home Alone released 1990 or 1985?