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1984 Chapters 1-7 Revision quiz
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was an Unperson?
A nobody, someone no one remembered.
What was the Ministry of Truth?
The Ministry of Truth was the department that changed the news.
What was a Speakwrite?
A machine they used for messages.
What color were the overalls people used in Oceania?
What were telescreens?
What happened to Winston's parents?
They were vaporized.
Did Winston have any children?
What was ownlife?
What happened to someone who was VAPORIZED?
What was Hate Week?
What was doublethink?
What was Newspeak?
A new language from Oceania.
What was Winston's wife name?
Name the main characters from 1984:
Winston, Julia, O' Brien, Big Brother, Emmanuel Goldstein.
What is Utopia?
What is Dystopia?