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Christmas Things
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these? (1) Christmas electricity (2) Christmas lights (3) Christmas lanterns
They`re Christmas lights.
What animal is this? (1) a reindeer (2) a deer (3) a gazelle
It`s a reindeer.
What`s this? (1) a letter (2) a cart (3) bells
It`s a letter.
What`s this? (1) a Christmas tree (2) a Christmas plant (3) a Christmas bush
It`s a Christmas tree.
What`s this? (1) a light (2) a bulb (3) a lamp
It`s a bulb.
Who are they? (1) Carol singers (2) church singers (3) Christmas singers
They`re Carol singers.
What`s this? (1) a bush (2) a sleigh (3) a wreath
It`s a wreath.
Who is he? (1) Saint Nicholas (2) Papa Noely (3) Santa Claus
He`s Santa Claus.
What`s this? (1) a car (2) a sleigh (3) a reindeer
It`s a sleigh.
What`s this? (1) cookies (2) snacks (3) a candy cane
They`re cookies.
What`s this? (1) a bulb (2) bells (3) a sleigh
They`re bells.
What`s this? (1) a bulb (2) a letter (3) a candy cane
It`s a candy cane.
What's this? (1) a bag of toys (2) Christmas lights (3) a candy cane
It`s a bag of toys.