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Christmas Activity

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many Christmas cards can you see?
I can see eight Christmas cards.
How many reindeer can you see?
I can see six reindeer.
How many candles can you see?
I can see 19 candles.
How many gingerbread houses can you see?
I can see eight gingerbread houses.
Say "Merry Christmas!"
What's his name?
The Grinch
What day is Christmas Day?
December 25th!
How many Candy Canes are there?
There are 10 candy canes
Show me something Brown!
What is your favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Would you rather have a hot sunny christmas, or cold snowy christmas?
What's my name?
How many snowflakes are there?
There are 16 snowflakes
How many Christmas trees are there?
There are 6 Christmas trees
How many candy canes are there?
There are 6 candy canes
What does Santa Claus say?
"Ho ho ho Merry Christmas~"
Where does Santa Live?
The North Pole
What am I?
What am I?
Candy Cane
What am I?
Gingerbread Man
What's my name?
Santa Claus
Clap your hands to 'Jingle Bells'
Show me something Green
Show me something red!
What color is The Grinch
Which reindeer has a bright red nose?
What date is Christmas Eve?
December 24th
What is Santa's favorite snack?