Edit Game
Unit 21

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(WD4) they / to / decided / watch / the video
They decided to watch the video.
(WD3) wake up / difficult / to / is / early / it
It is difficult to wake up early.
(WD2) I / to / went / to the store / some bread / buy
I went to the store to buy some bread.
(WD1) to / a dentist / be / want / I
I want to be a dentist.
(WC5) (draw a picture) Amy's hobby is ___.
Amy's hobby is to draw a picture.
(WC4) (drive a car) It's not easy ___.
It's not easy to drive a car.
(WC3) (get a good grade) He studied hard ___.
He studied hard to get a good grade.
(WC2) (go on a trip) We decided ___ tomorrow.
We decided to go on a trip tomorrow.
(WB7) They don't have anything drink.
They don't have anything to drink.
(WB6) It is not right fight with your sister.
It is not right to fight with your sister.
(WB5) Mom wants buying a new dress.
Mom wants to buy a new dress.
(WB4) My dream is to is a doctor.
My dream is to be a doctor.
(WB3) I have something telling you.
I have something to tell you.
(WB2) I am so glad see you again.
I am so glad to see you again.
(WA6) (be) I want ___ a teacher.
I want to be a teacher.
(WA5) (use) He needs a computer ___.
He needs a computer to use.
(WA4) (go) My plan is ___ to the amusement park.
My plan is to go to the amusement park.
(WA3) (borrow) I go to the library ___ a book.
I go to the library to borrow a book.
(WA2) (play) Cathy likes ___ the cello.
Cathy likes to play the cello.
(WA1) (study) It is interesting ___ science.
It is interesting to study science.
(SG5) take / I / early / to / a / wake up / walk
I wake up early to take a walk.
(SG4) everyday / It / to / is / difficult / exercise
It is difficult to exercise everyday.
(SG3) decide / an / send / Did / e-mail / you / to
Did you decide to send an e-mail?
(SG2) to / He / bike / a / ride / likes
He likes to ride a bike.