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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many primary colors are there?
Three (red, yellow, blue)
How many years are there in a century?
One hundred
Who is the inventor of electricity?
Benjamin Franklin
Which is the largest country in the world? (by area)
What is the chemical formula for water?
What’s the name of the river that flows through London?
River Thames
Name the smallest country in the world.
The Vatican
What’s the tallest mountain in the world?
How many players are in a football team?
What is closer to the Earth, the Moon or the Sun?
The Moon
What is the 10th letter of the alphabet?
How many zeros are there in one thousand?
How many members are there in the K-Pop group "BTS"?
When is Halloween?
October 31st
If you needed braces, what kind of doctor would you visit?
An Orthodontist
Who plays the new Spider-Man in the Marvel movies?
Tom Holland
What is the main ingredient in Guacamole?
What is 5 x 5 x 2 + 10?
What is the capitol of the United States?
Washington D.C.
In which state is the Hollywood sign located?
Name all 7 continents.
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Antarctica, and Australia
What Nickelodeon show was Ariana Grande on before she became really famous?
Who sings the song "Blinding Lights"?
The Weeknd
How many Toy Story movies are there?
How many sides does an octagon have?
How many U.S. states are there?
What is the name of the alternate dimension in Netflix’s "Stranger Things"?
The Upside Down
Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
William Shakespeare
What is the largest ocean on Earth?
The Pacific Ocean
What is the name of Harry Styles' song that has a fruit in the title?
"Watermelon Sugar"
What is Iron Man's real name?
Tony Stark
What is the name of the Disney movie about Rapunzel?
What book series did J.K. Rowling write?
Harry Potter
How many months have 31 days in them?
Can you name all 8 planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What color are the stars on the national flag of the United States?
Which fish became popular at fish stores because of Finding Nemo? Clown fish, angel fish or butterflyfish?
Clown fish
The Statue of Liberty in New York was a gift given by which country?
What flavors make up Neopolitan ice cream?
Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry
Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist in which book trilogy?
Hunger Games
Which Hollywood film studio's logo is a mountain surrounded by 22 stars?
What is the name of Super Mario's brother?
Which is not a color of one of the Olympic rings? Black, silver, or yellow?
Silver (the five colors are blue, yellow, black, green, and red)
How long does it take a human blood cell to make a complete circuit of the human body? One, five, or ten minutes?
One minute
In Marvel comics, who has an assistant named Pepper Potts?
Iron Man (aka Tony Stark)
What six colors come in a standard bag of milk chocolate M&M's?
Blue, brown, green, orange, red, and yellow
Who is not one of the children in The Chronicles of Narnia? Lucy, Charles or Susan?
Charles (Peter and Edmund are the two male characters)
What color is a giraffe's tongue? Blue, orange or pink
What is the only fruit to have its seeds on the outside?
How many colors are on a Rubik's Cube?