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Animal and Plant Classification

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What is the main difference in the leaves of a flowering (deciduous) plant and a coniferous (evergreen) plant?
A deciduous plant has flat, broad leaves and a coniferous plant has needle-like leaves.
How do these plants reproduce (make new plants)?
Look at the diagram below. How should this plant be classified?
Accept one of the following: vascular, flowering, seed producing
A fern is a vascular plant that has __________ to reproduce instead of ___________.
A fern is a vascular plant that has SPORES to reproduce instead of SEEDS.
What are the characteristics of coniferous plants? (name 2)
stay green all year (evergreen); have needle-like leaves; seeds are in cones
What is unique about deciduous trees?
They lose their leaves in the fall and go dormant.
Why do nonvascular plants grow close to the ground?
to absorb water
Vascular plants reproduce (make new plants) from _______ or _______.
seeds, spores
Nonvascular plants reproduce (make new plants) from---
All plants make their own food through a process called---
Plants that do NOT have true roots, stems and leaves are called----
nonvascular plants
Vascular plants have 3 main parts: ________, _________, and ________.
roots, stems, leaves
Vascular or nonvascular?
Vascular or nonvascular?
Vascular or nonvascular?
Vascular or nonvascular?
Vascular or nonvascular?
What am I? I have bones, slimy skin, can live in the water or on land, and I need to lie in the sun to warm up my body temperature.
I am an amphibian.
What is the main difference between vertebrates and invertebrates?
Vertebrates have backbones and invertebrates don't.
Name at least 3 characteristics of a fish.
vertebrates; cold-blooded; lives in the water; absorbs oxygen from the water with gills; lays eggs; have fins and tails;most have scales
Name at least 3 characteristics of a reptile.
vertebrates; cold-blooded; breathes air with lungs; dry, scaly skin; can lay soft-shell eggs or live young
Name at least 3 ways to classify a bird.
vertebrates; warm-blooded; breathes air with lungs; lays hard-shell eggs; have wings and most can fly; have beaks instead of teeth; have 2 feet
Name at least 3 ways to classify a mammal.
vertebrates; warm-blooded; has hair or fur; breathes air with lungs; most are born alive; mothers produce milk for its young;
Look at the image. Name the main way to classify this animal.
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and amphibian
Look at the image. Name the main way to classify this animal.
invertebrate (insect)
Look at both organisms. Name the 3 main ways to classify BOTH animals.
The cobra is a vertebrate and a reptile, and the mongoose is a vertebrate and a mammal. (The mongoose wins, by the way.)
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and fish
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and amphibian
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and fish
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and mammal
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and mammal
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and mammal
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and reptile
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and bird
Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
vertebrate and bird