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PET Unit test 10

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Please let me ..... for your meal. It's your birthday!
I didn't like the T-shirt I bought, so I ...... for my money back at Zara
I .... a big cake at the bakery yesterday for my birthday
I went to the garage to ..... about my car
I want to ...... a book from the library
I need to ....... an appointment at the hairdresser.
make / book
This is the third time I ..... (have) my mobile stolen
This is the third time I have had my mobile stolen
When ..... you ..... (get) your paintings put up? They've been lying around for ages
When will you get your paintings put up?
We ..... just .....(have) our old sofa taken away
We have just had our old sofa taken away
I must ....(get) my eyes tested because I keep getting headaches
I must get my eyes tested.
I ...... (have) my car fixed at the moment so I can't pick you up.
I'm having my car fixed AT THE MOMENT
Where ..... you usually .....your hair cut?
Where do you usually get your hair cut?
We ..... (had) our kitchen decorated last week
The teacher doesn't want her students to sit down. .... up everybody!
Stand up!
Photography is forbidden. ........photos here
Don't take photos here
The cooker is hot and you want to warm Tom. .......the cooker!
Don't touch the cooker!
Sssh! ...... quiet!
Be quiet!
The place where you book your holiday
travel agent's
The place where you buy bread
The place where you have your hair cut
The place where you borrow books
The place where you have your car fixed
The place where you take your dirty clothes
dry cleaner's
The place where you have your teeth cleaned
The place where you buy meat