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Mr Bean's Christmas Shopping

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does Mr Bean get a Christmas tree? Why can't he put it in his car?
He steals one. It's too big.
Why can't Mr Bean buy a tree?
They are sold out.
What happens when Mr Bean waves the stick?
The band begins to play music.
What did the boy have in his mouth? How do you think he got it?
A ring; he stole it.
What is person with the stick called?
The conductor
Who stops Mr Bean's show?
The shop-worker from behind the counter
Who saves the baby from the dinosaur? What does he/she fly?
An angel
Which animals come to the stable?
Sheep, a dinosaur
What animals are in the stable?
A donkey and a cow
Who is the baby in the stable/Nativity scene?
Baby Jesus
What happens when Mr Bean plugs the Christmas lights in?
The Christmas lights on the building go out.
Name 2 types of Christmas decorations.
Baubles, Christmas tree, tinsel, Christmas lights
What types of things are sold at the shop?
Christmas decorations
What does he do to Santa Claus before he enters the shop?
He tugs/pulls on his beard.
What colour is Mr Bean's car?
light green