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Flyers - find the differences with Harry Potters ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In my picture is evening
In my picture is morning
In my picture is night
In my picture is day
In my picture Harry has a short shirt
In my picture Harry has a long shirt
In my picture there is a woman on the right
In my picture there is a man on the right
In my picture the clock is round
In my picture the clock is square
In my picture Harry has got a small bag
In my picture Harry has got a big bag
In my picture there is a cat in the cage
In my picture there is a bird/an owl in the cage
In my picture Ron has got long hair
In my picture Ron has got short hair
In my picture Hermione is wearing trousers
In my picture Hermione is wearing a skirt
In my picture the children are running
In my picture the children are walking
In my picture the children are clean
In my picture the children are dirty
In my picture there are 4 children
In my picture there are 3 children
In my picture Harry has a red jumper
In my picture Harry has a green jumper
In my picture the pieces on the chess are black and white
In my picture the pieces on the chess are red and white
In my picture there are three Christmas trees
In my picture there are two Christmas trees
In my picture Harry and Ron are playing video games
In my picture Harry and Ron are playing chess
In my picture Hermione is wearing a spotted scarf
In my picture Hermione is wearing a striped scarf
In my picture Harry is wearing a hat
In my picture Harry isn't wearing a hat
In my picture Hagrid is wearing a blue coat
In my picture Hagrid is wearing a brown coat
In my picture Harry is taller than Hagrid
In my picture Harry is shorter than Hagrid
In my picture Hagrid is shorter than Harry
In my picture Hagrid is taller than Harry