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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(D4) The girl was walking (across / into) the bridge.
(D3) He looked for his key (around / up) his house.
(D2) Leaves are falling (from / to) the tree.
(D1) They got (across / into) the car quickly.
(C6) (outside) We can have more fun.
We can have more fun outside.
(C5) (tonight) Let's have a Halloween party.
Let's have a Halloween party tonight.
(C4) (hurriedly) Jack packed his luggage.
Jack hurriedly packed his luggage.
(C3) (always) I say good night to my mom before I go to bed.
I always say good night to my mom before I go to bed.
(C2) (easily) He solved the problem.
He easily solved the problem.
(C1) (usually) My father walks to his office.
My father usually walks to his office.
(B7) He listens to loud music. => He listens to music ____.
He listens to music loudly.
(B6) The magic show was amazing. => The magician performed ____.
The magician performed amazingly.
(B5) Cathy draws a beautiful picture. => Cathy draws a picture ____.
Cathy draws a picture beautifully.
(B4) That man is a noisy singer. => That man sings ___.
That man sings noisily.
(B3) She is always careful. => She does everything ____.
She does everything carefully.
(B2) He was a quiet boy. => He was talking ___.
He was talking quietly.
(B1) Alex is a very good swimmer. => Alex can swim very ___.
Alex can swim very well.
(A7) I want to go to the amusement park ____. (a) again (b) really (c) inside (d) so
(a) agian
(A6) Carlos is an excellent student. He ____ goes to class. (a) never (b) sometimes (c) always (d) often
(c) always
(A5) The wind is blowing ____ than this morning. (a) more softly (b) most softly (c) soft (d) softestt
(a) more softly
(A4) My mother drives ____ in my family. (a) the more carefully (b) more carefully (c) most careful (d) the most carefully
(d) the most carefully
(A3) I will give you the book ____ after the break. (a) short (b) shorter (c) shortest (d) shortly
(d) shortly
(A2) The boys played the game ____. (a) interesting (b) interestingly (c) interested (d) interest
(b) interestingly
(A1) These chocolates taste _____. (a) different (b) differently (c) difference (d) difficultly
(a) different