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Flyers - Find the differences with Harry Potter

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In my picture Harry Potter is sitting on a chair
In my picture Harry Potter is standing
In my picture it'is evening
In my picture it's morning
In my picture the family is outside the house
In my picture the family is inside the house
In my picture Harry Potter is wearing a helmet
In my picture Harry Potter isn't wearing a helmet
In my picture Dudley is wearing glasses
In my picture Dudley isn't wearing glasses
In my picture Dudl3y is wearing a yellow jacket
In my picture Dudley is wearing a red jacket
In my picture the family is playing a board game
In my picture the family is having breakfast
In my picture there are two lamps in the kitchen
In my picture there is one lamp in the kitchen
In my picture the lamp in turned off
In my picture the lamp in turned on
In my picture the white door is closed
In my picture the white door is open
In my picture harry potter is on the left
In my picture harry potter is on the right
In my picture there is a poster on the wall
In my picture there is a picture on the wall
In my picture there is milk in the glasses
In my picture there is orange juice in the glasses
In my picture Dudley is eating a sandwich
In my picture Dudley isn't eating a sandwich
In my picture harry potter is looking at a postcard
In my picture harry potter is looking at a letter
In my picture uncle Vernon is reading a newspaper
In my picture uncle Vernon is reading a letter
In my picture Aunt Petunia is sleeping
In my picture Aunt Petunia is cooking