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Rhinos from Java are [najrzadszy] species of mammals in the world.
the rarest
Richard is a real gentleman. He's [uprzejmy] to everyone.
Birds by Alfred Hitchcock is [najbardziej przerażający] of all his films.
the most frightening
Mum says that this journey won't be [tak halaśliwy] as the one last year because uncle Gordon is not coming.
as noisy
He won't help you. I've never worked with a [bardziej leniwy] man.
I think Sue's changed a lot. She isn't [taka zazdrosna] as she used to be.
as jealous
I am exhausted. I have never taken part in a [bardziej męcząca] trek.
more tiring
You look stunning! It's [najładniejsza] dress you have worn so far.
the prettiest
Wow! Your smartphone looks incredible! Is this [najnowszy] model?
the newest
If we want to get to the airport on time, we have to catch the [wcześniejszy] train.
I've travelled the world a lot and I can proudly say that my country isn't [gorszy] than other countries.
I can't do this task. I'll begin with the [Å‚atwiejszy] one.
I'm fond of documentaries. I watch them whenever I can. [najlepsze] ones are on National Geographic.
the best
Look at this valley. It's [najgłębsza] in Poland.
the deepest
When it comes to rain, the Atacama Desert gets [najmniej] in the world.
the least
What is [najzdrowsze] vegetable in your opinion?
the healthiest
This sofa seems [wygodniejsza] than the armchair.
more comfortable
What's [najdalszy] holiday destination you've ever been to?
the furthest
The weather forecast has never been so (zła).
Every year there are [mniej] participants in our contest.
The water in this stream is (zimniejsza) than I expected.
This waterfall is [głośniejszy niż] the one we saw last month.
louder than
The Sahara Desert [nie jest tak sucha] jak the Atacama Desert.
isn't as dry as
That's [najdroższy] scooter I have ever bought!
the most expensive
This episode of Born Survivor is [mniej interesujÄ…cy] than the previous ones.
less interesting