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context clues game 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My cousin and I are kin. We are related to each other on my mom's side of the family.
people related to each other
The bombs left behind radiation - a type of poison - that made people sick.
type of poison
Some people have small livestock, similar to the animals farmers have.
farm animals
Exotic animals are not like cats and dogs. They are the kind of animals you would see at the zoo.
wild animals
Most of the old books are made of parchment, different from the paper used today
old type of paper
The archeologist, a person who studies ancient ruins, found some interesting things.
person who studies ancient ruins
My dad is a solitary person, unlike my mom who likes to be around other people at all times.
stays by himself
You have been withdrawn from the team because you never come to practice.
I know Peter is reliable because I can depend on him to get the job done on time.
The food was very bland. It didn't taste like anything.
Sally is an industrious person, as oppose to Billy who is always lazy.
works hard
I seldomly go to my grandma’s house because she lives thousands of miles away.
hardly ever
It is good to start your morning with a hearty breakfast so you aren't hungry.
The troops retaliated when they heard their country was attacked by the enemy.
got back at them
Cassette tapes are obsolete. No one uses them anymore
not used anymore
Let's take the long way home. This way we can evade the bad wolf and not get hurt.
get away from
Can you please use descriptive words so I can create a vivid picture in my mind?
clear, bright
That question was very hazy, can you repeat it again?
not clear