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How did Janine know the 2 students?
from the ski club.
How often did Janine use to visit Pine Crest?
Every year
How often did Janine write in her notebook?
every day.
What's the problem with Janine's notebook?
They can't find it.
Who is going to visit Pine Crest soon? Why is he important?
Clark Johnson, Governor of Colorado - running for president.
Why doesn't Bill want to work with Flick?
Because he doesn't think women should be detectives.
How did Detective Laine get the name Flick?
It was changed from Felicity at school.
What happened to Flick 2 months ago in November?
Her partner was killed by Eddie Lang.
Why does Cohn want Flick to investigate the murder?
Because she's the best detective/because she needs to get out of the office.