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ESLN Level 2 Verb Tense Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Erin ____________ (wake) up early tomorrow.
won't wake / will not wake / isn't going to wake / is not going to wake
We ____________(not listen) to music right now.
aren't listening / are not listening
Phil ___________ (not eat) dinner last night.
didn't eat / did not eat
Maria ___________ (not drink) coffee every morning.
doesn't drink / does not drink
I ____________ (hear) a great song last night.
Ken ________________ (drive) a Tesla in 10 years.
will drive / is going to drive
They ____________ (do) their homework right now.
are doing
I _____________ (take) the test last night.
Last week, Mike ___________ (go) to Newport Beach.
Maryanne ____________ (buy) a new car last week.
Hector ___________ (comb) his hair every morning.
Rachel ___________ (exercise) for one hour tomorrow.
will exercise / is going to exercise
The tamales _____________ (taste) delicious.
The class ______________ (play) a game right now.
is playing
We _____________ (practice) English from Monday to Thursday.
David and Alexa usually ______________ (watch) a movie on Sunday night.
My mother ____________ (bake) a cake for my birthday in two weeks.
will bake / is going to bake
Javier ___________ (plant) an orange tree in his yard last year.
The dog ___________ (bury) a bone at the moment.
is burying
I ____________ (fix) my computer right now.
am fixing
Shaquille O'Neal _____________ (be) an extremely tall man.
Matilda ______________ (check) facebook every day.